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Getting Started

Everything you need to know to get started with Web2Chat.

Avatar of tanazmasaba06Avatar of Khushhal
2 authors21 articles
Sign Up For an Account on Web2Chat.Learn how to create an account on Web2Chat.
Creating Additional Workspaces in Web2ChatCreate a New Workspace for Separate Support Across Multiple Domains
Setting Up Email Forwarding in Web2ChatLearn how to set up email forwarding in Web2Chat.
Creating A Test Workspace in Web2ChatLearn how to create a test workspace in Web2Chat to explore all the features and test the functionality of your Help Center.
Managing & Authenticating Email Domain in Web2ChatLearn how to add your custom email domain in Web2Chat.
Accepting an Invite to a Web2Chat WorkspaceHow to accept an invite and start collaborating with your team using Web2Chat.
Add, Remove/Delete a TeammateHow to invite teammates or remove them from your Web2Chat workspace.
Your Workspace SettingsGet familiar with each of your workspace settings in Web2Chat.