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Set Up Shopify App in MessengerLearn how to add Shopify as an app in your Web2Chat messenger.
Your Messenger Home with AppsHow to add, remove, and organize apps in your Messenger
Hiding the Messenger LauncherLearn how to hide the Messenger app on websites.
Web2Chat Messenger in Your Product and on Your WebsiteLearn how to create and use the Web2Chat messenger on your app and website.
Creating a Custom Launcher for Your Web2Chat MessengerFind out how you can create your own custom Messenger Launcher in Web2Chat.
Web2Chat Messenger ExplainedIntroducing the fully customizable Messenger that provides customers with in-context engagement throughout their journey.
Set Up and Customize the MessengerLearn how to customize, preview, and manage the next-generation Messenger
Enable Article Search in MessengerLearn how to set up searching for help articles straight from your Web2Chat Messenger.
Enable Multilingual Support for MessengerLearn how to enable and configure multilingual support in Web2Chat Messenger.
Lead Notes & TagsUnderstand how lead notes and tags work in Web2Chat.
How Do I End a Session in Web2Chat?Learn how to end a session of interactions between you and your team on Web2Chat.
Real-Time Messaging Explained for Web2ChatLearn how to have instant conversations and real-time messages with customers using Web2Chat.
Web2Chat Messenger FAQsGet answers to some frequently asked questions about the Web2Chat Messenger.