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Tickets Space in the Messenger
Tickets Space in the Messenger
Avatar of Khushhal
Written by Khushhal
Last updated Sep 07, 2024
The Messenger now includes a dedicated space for tickets, making them easier to find and distinguish from regular conversations. This Tickets space allows customers to submit, view, and get updates on all their tickets from one centralized location within the Messenger.

Setting Up the Tickets Space

You can manage the Tickets space from the Messenger settings in a similar way to how you customize other Messenger spaces on Web.

Enable/Disable Tickets Space:

The Tickets space is enabled by default on all platforms (Web, iOS, and Android).
To toggle the Tickets space on or off, go to Settings > Channels > Messenger > Content and Spaces tab.
If you hide or disable the Tickets space, tickets will not show in this dedicated space, but customers can still access their tickets through the Messages space.

Customer Experience


The Tickets space is only visible to customers who have active or resolved tickets. This ensures that customers never see an empty Tickets space.

Ticket List:

Customers will see a list of their tickets in chronological order, with the most recent activity at the top.
Clicking on a ticket will display the ticket details and provide a call-to-action (CTA) to either:
  • Send a Message: Takes the customer to the linked conversation in the Messages space to start a conversation.
  • Continue the Conversation: Takes the customer to the linked conversation in the Messages space to continue the conversation.
  • View the Conversation: Takes the customer to the linked conversation in the Messages space to view the closed conversation.

Recent Tickets Card

The Recent Tickets card displays recent ticket activity (up to 3 tickets) and is added to the Messenger Home space when the Tickets space is enabled. It is removed when the space is disabled.

When Tickets are Shown:

  • A new ticket has been created.
  • There has been a status change in an existing ticket.
Resolved tickets are not shown on the Recent Tickets card.

Ticket Notifications

Messenger Badge:

A badge notification appears on the Tickets space when:
  • A new ticket is created.
  • A ticket status is updated.
If a linked conversation has a new message but no ticket status change, the Tickets space will not show a badge notification.
When there is both a ticket update and a new message in the linked conversation, badge notifications appear on both the Messages space and the Tickets space.

Important Notes

Linked Conversations:

Conversations can only have one linked ticket that is shared with the customer.
A ticket is marked as read when the linked conversation is read.
By setting up the Tickets space in Web2Chat Messenger, you provide customers with a centralized location to manage their tickets, improving their overall support experience and making it easier for them to stay informed about their support requests.