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Create Tickets in the Messenger
Create Tickets in the Messenger

Allow customers to independently create tickets from the Messenger.

Avatar of Khushhal
Written by Khushhal
Last updated Sep 07, 2024

Setting Up Ticket Links

Configuration Steps

  • Navigate to Ticket Links Configuration:
  • Go to Channels > Messenger > Content.
  • Click on Customize Home with apps.
  • Add Ticket Links App:
  • Scroll down to find the ticket links app.
  • Click the + icon to add it.
  • Select Ticket Types:
  • Choose the ticket types you want customers to be able to create.
  • Assign respective icons for each ticket type.
  • To allow multiple ticket types, click Add ticket type.
  • Save Changes:
  • After configuring the ticket types, click Done and save the settings.
Click Save and set live to make these changes effective in your Messenger, enabling customers to create tickets directly from the Messenger Home.

Editing or Deleting Ticket Links

Edit or Remove Ticket Links

  • Navigate to Channels > Messenger > Content and click Customize Home with apps.
  • Click on the settings icon on the ticket links card to make any changes.
  • To remove the ticket links card, click the delete icon ⛔️.
  • Save Changes:
  • After making edits or removing the ticket links card, click Save and set live to update your Messenger settings.

Customer Experience

Creating a Ticket

  • When a customer clicks on a ticket link in the Messenger Home, it opens a ticket form.
  • The customer fills out and submits the ticket form.

Ticket Creation Flow

  • Customer initiates ticket creation: Clicks on the ticket link from the Messenger home.
  • Customer completes the form: Fills out the ticket form with the necessary details.
  • Ticket successfully created: The ticket is created and submitted successfully.
Ticket links will only be visible to customers on the Messenger Home if the ticket links card has been configured in your Messenger settings.
By setting up ticket links in the Messenger, you provide customers with a convenient way to create tickets independently, improving their support experience and reducing the load on your support team.