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Enable Article Suggestions on Messenger to Help Customers Self-Serve
Enable Article Suggestions on Messenger to Help Customers Self-Serve

Simplify your customers’ search for help by providing suggestions to relevant articles even before they start searching.

Avatar of Khushhal
Written by Khushhal
Last updated Sep 06, 2024
Integrating your Help Center with your Messenger helps you scale your support and empowers customers to find answers directly from the Messenger.

Benefits of Article Suggestions

Increased Article View Rates: By presenting article suggestions prominently, you can increase the view rates of your help articles.
  • Self-Serve Support: Customers can find answers to their questions without needing to start a conversation, reducing resolution times.
  • Reduced Repetitive Queries: By requiring customers to search for articles first, you can minimize the number of repetitive questions your support team handles.

Adding Article Suggestions to Your Messenger

The Article Suggestions card can be added to your Messenger above or below the "Start a conversation" card. This setup helps in guiding customers towards self-service options before initiating a chat.


Help Center Product: Ensure you have the Help Center product and it is turned on for the Article Suggestions feature to work correctly.

Access Messenger Settings:

  • Navigate to your Messenger settings.
  • Go to Customize Home with Apps to configure the self-serve experience.
  • Reorder the Help Center Search Card: You can place the Help Center search bar in a prominent position within the Messenger. This reordering ensures that customers see the search option before starting a new conversation.

Customer Experience

When a customer opens your Messenger, they will see the option to search your articles along with a list of suggested articles. This list can be positioned above or below the "Start a conversation" card, depending on your configuration. Here’s what customers will experience:
  • Search and Suggestions: Customers can search for help articles or choose from a list of suggested articles without starting a conversation.
  • Language Support: If you don't support your customer's language, the default language of your Help Center will be shown. If your Messenger and articles are localized, the help content will match the user's browser language.
  • Collapsible View: Customers can collapse the article suggestions to a smaller view if needed, keeping the Messenger interface uncluttered.
    By enabling Article Suggestions in your Messenger, you provide a streamlined and efficient support experience, encouraging customers to find answers independently and reducing the workload on your support team.