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Prevent Search Engines from Indexing Your Help Center
Prevent Search Engines from Indexing Your Help Center
Avatar of Khushhal
Written by Khushhal
Last updated Sep 06, 2024
If you prefer to keep your Help Center articles out of search engine results, Web2Chat provides an option to disable search engine indexing. This feature is particularly useful if you use a custom domain for your Help Center and want to control where and how your content is shared.

Disabling Search Engine Indexing

To disable search engine indexing and ensure your Help Center articles do not appear in Google search results, follow these steps:

Navigate to Privacy Settings

  • Go to Knowladge Base > Help Center > General.
  • Find the SEO within the General settings.

Turn Off Search Engine Indexing

  • In the SEO section, locate the toggle for "Allow your Help Center to appear in search results".
  • Switch off this toggle to prevent your Help Center from being indexed by search engines.
Once this setting is disabled, your Help Center articles will not appear in search engine results. This ensures that your content is only accessible through direct links, such as those shared in the Messenger or hosted on other platforms. By doing so, you can avoid duplicate content issues and maintain better control over where your articles are published and accessed.
Disabling search engine indexing is a straightforward way to keep your Help Center content private and tailored to your specific sharing preferences.