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How Web2Chat Tracks and Stores Data
How Web2Chat Tracks and Stores Data
Avatar of Khushhal
Written by Khushhal
Last updated Sep 06, 2024

Data Processing Overview

When you integrate Web2Chat with your site, we automatically collect and store key data fields essential for our service. Additionally, you can choose to collect further data, such as social profiles, and define custom data that is crucial for your business needs.

Data Expiry Practices

To adhere to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Web2Chat has a policy of expiring data that is no longer needed.
Visitor Data: Data for visitors who have not been seen for 9 months will be automatically deleted. This includes the entire record and event history. If a visitor returns after 9 months, they will be treated as a new visitor. This policy applies only to visitor data, and your user data remains unaffected.

Data Tracking

Web2Chat tracks a comprehensive set of data fields to enhance the user experience and support your business operations. Here is a list of standard data we track:
  • Name: The full name of the user.
  • Email: The user's or lead's email address.
  • Phone Number: The user's or lead's phone number.
  • Web Sessions: The number of times a user has visited your site or web app.
  • Last Seen: The most recent date a user visited your site or app.
  • First Seen: The initial date a user visited your site or app.
  • Recent Page Views: The URLs a person has visited on your site or in your web app.
  • Sign-Up Date: The date a user first signed up for your product.
  • City and Country: Determined by the user's IP address location.
  • Last Contacted: The most recent date you or a teammate contacted a user.
  • Last Heard From: The last date a user contacted you via message or email.
  • Last Opened Email: The most recent date a user opened an email.
  • Last Clicked Email Link: The most recent date a user clicked a link in an email.
  • Unsubscribed from Emails: The date a user unsubscribed from your emails.
  • Tags: Groups a person belongs to based on tags you’ve applied to them.
  • Operating System: The OS a person is using.
  • Browser Language: The language set by the user's browser.
  • Browser Version: The specific version of the browser being used.
  • Language Override: The preferred language setting for a user.
  • Messages, Comments, and Conversations: All interactions within Web2Chat.

Privacy and Security

For privacy and security reasons, Web2Chat does not provide the IP addresses of users or visitors.
Web2Chat ensures that your data is managed and stored securely, complying with relevant regulations and maintaining high standards of data privacy.